Vista del Gran Río Térraba y la desembocadura al mar

Vista del Gran Río Térraba  y la desembocadura al mar

miércoles, 21 de julio de 2010

In Costa Rica, "el chile" or "al chile?" means "la verdad" or "de verdad?". When translated to English, it more or less means "the truth" or "really?", depending on the context in which the phrase is used.

Having clarified the tentative name of my blog, I hope all readers of "El Chile de Costa Rica" enjoy its content. I cannot guarantee that I will write daily, but I promise to keep it updated as much as I can.


5 comentarios:

  1. I'm so glad you're writing a blog! I just started writing one myself! I really like the name, too.

  2. Hola Carlos! The correct expression should be "al chile"?! ;) Nice pic! I have exactly the same photo myself! Corcovado is awesome, isn't? Pura vida!!

